Today we read about some jokes (also known as pranks or hoaxes) played on the media on April Fool's Day.
Visit the following page:
http://www.infoplease.com/spot/hoax10.html (and its link)
to learn about some successful jokes that fooled a lot of people and became very popular.
Activity: send a comment to this article with the following two tasks:
- was any joke you read specially funny/witty/wise? Explain it and say why.
- could any of those jokes be harmful/not funny at all and why?
(don't forget to sign your writing!)
The first joke for me it isn't very witty because I don't understand the persons belive the Liberty bell was henceforth to be known as the Taco Liberty Bell. It's very strange.
The second joke it's very witty, because the people think ina a new product that the BurgerKing do and the people buy this hamburger, but they haven't stopped to think the hambuergers eat with the two hands, because you eat with one hand the hamburger and ketchuo fall down.
The tird joke it's a little bite witty, because the personal BMW think more comfort of the drivers and to support parts of the car clean or better preserved, and the people belive this jokes every years.
Sílvia Sánchez Rubio
I think that the burger'joke is very funny because people is so naive for believe that there are hamburgers for Left-Handed customers.
The other two jokes aren't funny because I don't understand very well them, fot this I didn't laught.
Jesús Vinardell Martínez.
In my opinion the car joke is quite witty because auto companies are trying to develop some technical breakthroughs. People want to buy high performance cars. That's why they easily believe that kind of jokes.
Also, I think the hamburguer joke wasn't funny because left-handed people went to Burguer King expressly to buy that new hamburguer and then they realized that was simply a joke.
Carlos Marty
Sílvia Sánchez Rubio
The first joke for me isn't very witty because I don't understand the persons belive the Liberty bell was henceforth to be known as the Taco Liberty Bell. It's very unreal this joke. I don’t understand the people that it has been believed.
The second joke it's very witty, because the people think ina a new product that the BurgerKing do and the people buy this hamburger, but they haven't stopped to think the hambuergers eat with the two hands, because you eat with one hand the hamburger and ketchuo fall down.
The tird joke it's a little bite witty, because the personal BMW think more comfort of the drivers and to support parts of the car clean or better preserved, and the people belive this jokes every years.
The people in this word are very inocent, but I’m inclused in this type of people.
-was any joke you read specially funny/witty/wise? Explain it and say why.
Have It Your Way
I think this joke is funny because people are accustomed to believe in the advertisings, even in the silliest things
-could any of those jokes be harmful/not funny at all and why?
Yo Quiero Liberty
I think that what happened with the Liberty bell can be polemic for some persons, because I think it's to change a part of the most typical monuments of the country.
- was any joke you read specially funny/witty/wise? Explain it and say why.
Have It Your Way
This joke is the most amusing. Although people to eat hamburgers use two hands.
- could any of those jokes be harmful/not funny at all and why?
Yo Quiero Liberty
The truth is that this joke doesn't find it funny because it wasn't is Taco Bell and didn't understand it.
Anabel García Pérez
I've a lot of problems with this exercice because I read, read jokes and I don't understand them!
I read "Paul is dead" but I don't know if I understand it very well.
Does it mean that the group invented the hoax themselves to hide=amagar? that Paul vital status is questionable?
Do you understand me? Aida 2b.
-was any joke you read specially funny/witty/wise? Explain it and say why.
In the one hand, I think that the burguer king joke is a little funny because the left-handed whoppers it's the same that right-handed whoppers and the customers bought it thinking that it's a good idea.
-could any of those jokes be harmful/not funny at all and why?
In the other hand I think that the BMW joke isn't funny because the new technologic that they said is very dificult to make it.
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