- http://flocabulary.com/presidential-election-process/ the election process explained in hip-hop.
- http://www.brainpop.com/
socialstudies/ usgovernmentandlaw/ presidentialelection/ An animation explaining the process, as well. Related topics to the right of the page. - http://www.pocanticohills.org/
election/election.htm. A very nice step-by-stp explanation in the All about electing a president section. A good collection of links, too. - http://www.timeforkids.com/
news/electionary/25346 Lots of articles related to the elections. A very good dictionary of election words. - http://magazines.scholastic.com/Election-2012 Another huge collection of resources.
- http://mbonillo.xavierre.com/
exercises/Games/uselections. htm A test on the American elections. - http://youtu.be/_95I_1rZiIs Primary elections explained
- http://youtu.be/OUS9mM8Xbbw How the electoral college works
- http://youtu.be/1lt-f3QQ7-A Political parties, voting and Presidents, explained in rap
- http://youtu.be/ok_VQ8I7g6I Electing a US president in Plain English
- http://www.loc.gov/teachers/classroommaterials/presentationsandactivities/presentations/elections/home.html